Modifikasi Sepeda Fixie

Tips Mengerem Fixie Saat di Jalan

Sepeda Fixie 2011

In recent years, bicycle fixie popular because of design sleek, fast and free treatment. Riding a fixie bike, especially when stop the bicycle, requires specific training because it has different brakes.

First, ride your bike in a safe area such as a parking lot with a smooth surface or asphalt roads that are open and not much vehicle traffic. Do not forget to use a helmet. You may fall a few times.

Second, make sure you have a pedal bike that laces or clipless pedals. Riding a fixie bike with an easy foot off the pedal just like rock climbing without a harness. If not, you are prone to accidents.

Third, start riding a bike with a low speed and place the foot on the pedal straps or clipless pedals. Fourth, determine the speed when crossing the line well.

When you are ready to stop, shift your weight forward on a bicycle front wheel and push the pedal in the opposite direction with both feet. Be careful not to lose balance. When you are ready to move again, point the pedal to the front.

Finally, do maneuvers over and over again to train your motor sensors while cycling. When practicing, try to gradually move the weight back when you slipped. The further you lean the faster the bike stopped.

Tips Mengerem Fixie Saat di Jalan

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