Modifikasi Sepeda Fixie

Tips Membeli atau Merakit Sepeda Fixie

There are 2 options:

1. Buy,
save time and energy, prices depend on the liver and budget. This option is good for those who do not have a bike or frame does not want to be bothered. The price is relatively more expensive, and generally higher quality components.
Fixie bikes prices to a minimum with improvised component to reach 1.5 million. Fixie bikes prices are pretty good about 2.5 million or more. While the price of generic type bike Fixie assembled with components well enough to reach 3.5 million and upwards. Type branded bike fixie generally be above 4 million, depending on the components that are in.

2. Assemble or modification of the former bike.
What is more troublesome, but when the liver so it will meet the owner. Buy from a blank frame has been sold, or can choose a plain frame and the paint itself.
Can also use the old racing bike frame. Components of the wheels removed and replaced with a simple Fixie bike components. For an old racing bike frame size is generally still be used, the average Fixie bikes are designed for 700C tires. So could the old bike road bike type hubs include a smaller type of 700C. Want to leave the history of the bicycle, may also retain the handlebar road bike. The rest may be modified.

Tips Membeli atau Merakit Sepeda Fixie

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