Modifikasi Sepeda Fixie

Gambar Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

Here's my Fixie. Build in the winter 2010/2011. It's an old Motobécane anatomy and. Did my actual best to acquisition some specific sizes, but it was accessible to accomplish it fixed, although it's French.
Frame: Motobécane Wheels: Gipiemme Cog: Surley Chain: Gusset Half Link Tyres: Vredestein Bottom Bracket: Shimano Grips: Charge Brake Handle: Tektro
Greetings, Roelof from The Netherlands, Groningen

Gambar Sepeda Fixie Hitam Putih Menawan

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